4:26 AM
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Guess who's back?
Straight from the heavenly island (check http://instagram.com/vanjaam# ) to a rainy city.
Oh Belgrade, how welcoming you are!
Before I start sharing the photos and impressions from Jelena's and mine trip to Greece (some photos are surreal good) I have also a great news!
This month I became one of the finalists for Street Style Academy held by Mango, and one of my favorite photos lately is on their website, check Here! So cool!
The second thing is that Mango started with online shop in Serbia too, so one more yaay for that!
Now I'm off to sort all those pictures and start creating a new post!

Giveaway winners from This post, congrats!

p.p.s. My Dream Closet aplikacija je završena, hvala svima koji su se priključili, ostanite uz BU Serbia stranicu kako biste saznali pobednika ove nedelje! :)


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